As it’s part of a series of events involving oats, I have to include oats in the beer somehow. Rather than do an oatmeal stout, which doesn’t really show off the oatiness (well, it does, but it’s overshadowed by the general stoutiness), I am thinking of a pale beer:
50% pale barley malt
20% oat malt
30% porridge oats
I will be using a grain bag, so am not concerned about the potential stickiness of the mash. Dunno about hopping yet. I have some Hallertau and Bobek in the freezer. Yeast, well, I should probably get a starter going.
At the homebrew club I go to we have a quarterly competition to make a beer which must include 3 chosen ingredients. This quarter they are oat malt, heather tips and Scottish ale yeast, I am planning to brew a heather and oat winter warmer, with just enough bittering hops for balance and then all flavour and aroma with the heather.